PRODUCT INFORMATION FORM Contributor Name: Athanassios Ganas and Christina Tsimi Institution: National Observatory of Athens, Institute of Geodynamics Email address: Product Name: greece_utm34n_300m Content Type: Image Pixel Size: 300 m Pixel Depth: 32-bit Projection: UTM SPHEROID: WGS_1984 Version Number: 1.0 Level 7/8/2013 Distribution Date: 10/8/2018 Description: A DEM for GREECE from the SRTM 2013 product Details: This product contains a 300-m resampled version of the SRTM 90-m public product. The software used is ARCGIS v10.1. Image analyst was Christina Tsimi, Msc Geography. The product is available to the scientific community in TIFF format. Note: The product is "freeware." It can be freely copied and exchanged with no payment required or expected. Computer and OS: All windows versions, UNIX, Linux ______________________________________________________________